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Solution for the moment.
Cost for a lifetime.

Don't be fooled into an endless debt of myopia.

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Tips to prevent or slow down myopia!

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Going outdoors!

Studies suggest that every 40 minutes of outdoor activity per day decreases the chances of developing myopia by 9 per cent. Bright out­door light stimulates the release of retinal dopamine, which slows down the growth of the eyeball and inhibits myopia.


When you go outside, even at 6 pm in Singapore, you're still being exposed to much more light than you can get with the brightest indoor lamp.

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Atropine Eye Drops

Atropine eye drops slows myopia progression by 60%. However, do note that Atropine doesn't reverse the effects of myopia. As such, it will not work for you if you're an adult, as your myopia will have been fully developed.


Side effects include feeling very sensitive to bright lights, and with normal glasses on there is difficulty with near work activities such as reading. However, all of these are temporary side effects which disappear when the patient stops using the drops.

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Go for eye check-ups

Seek for an optometrist's opinion and check your eyes regularly! They will provide you with information about myopia and other ways to better control the progression of myopia.

Early Childhood
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Why is early childhood a crucial time to tackle myopia?

A child’s eyes are still in development, which causes them to be more prone to achieving myopia at an age as young as 4 years old.


Causes of Myopia

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One is more likely to develop myopia when they have a family history of it.

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Near work activities

Engaging in near-work activities strains the eye in focusing too much on short distances.

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Indoor Environment

Engaging in near-work activities strains the eye in focusing too much on short distances.

Risks of Myopia

The earlier in life you start becoming shortsighted, the higher your final spectacle degree tends to be. High myopia can give rise to other problems, such as an increased risk of retinal detachments, and an earlier onset of cataracts. You can also turn blind.

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High myopia may lead to Glaucoma due to increasing pressure that damages optic nerves. It can lead to severe vision loss, and in the worst case, blindness.


​While cataract is largely an age-related condition, other factors includes high degree of myopia.

Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is a treatable condition, but it must be taken care of promptly, or it can cause vision loss and in the worst cases, blindness.

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To help you and your loved ones in the fight against myopia, we will provide you with tips and bite-sized information about myopia! 

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